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Jitendex is a free, offline, and openly licensed Japanese-to-English dictionary
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Jitendex is a free, offline, and openly licensed Japanese-to-English dictionary
Ich bin gerade über dieses Projekt gestolpert, erste öffentliche Version von Oktober 2023:

Die Patreon-Seite läuft noch etwas schleppend, gibt aber interessante Hintergrundinformationen:

I'm Stephen Kraus, the developer of Jitendex. I am also a member of the editorial board of the EDRDG, a volunteer and non-profit organization dedicated to producing free Japanese-to-English dictionary data. This data, especially the JMdict ("Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary") data, is viewed by users millions of times every year via popular websites such as

In 2022, I designed and developed a new implementation of the JMdict data for a dictionary application known as Yomichan. This new version was well received and became informally known as "JMdict Extra." I began regularly contributing to the JMdict project as a result of this experience, and over the past two years I submitted edits for over 5,000 dictionary entries.

The Yomichan project was abandoned in 2023, and the future of the software became uncertain. I started the Jitendex project to continue my development of improved JMdict implementations for offline dictionary apps other than just Yomichan. However, through the incredible efforts of many volunteers, Yomichan thankfully survives to this day as Yomitan.

On Patreon, you can support my contributions to free and high-quality language learning materials. Below are some of my goals and areas of interest.

New features and content for Jitendex such as illustrations within dictionary entries, animated stroke diagrams within kanji entries, and much more

Compatibility with more dictionary formats such as Mobi for Amazon Kindle

Expansion of the JMdict database through the addition of new dictionary entries

Quality improvements for existing entries in the database
12.03.24 16:30
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Jitendex is a free, offline, and openly licensed Japanese-to-English dictionary
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