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suche japanisch micro sim karte in berlin
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Beitrag #1
suche japanisch micro sim karte in berlin
hello! i need japanese micro sim card for activation of new phone.
i am living in berlin. is there any one who has that card n lives in berlin?
if you can help me i want to treat you for lunch or dinner.
thank you for reading. and waiting for your replay. best regards, J.
11.06.14 17:09
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Beiträge: 9
Beitrag #2
RE: suche japanisch micro sim karte in berlin
Why do you need a japanese micro sim card? And if you also need to say the provider ? (e.g. Softbank, Docomo, au)

If you want to activate your iPhone any micro sim card will do if it is not sim locked to a specific provider.

Can you please give more details about the phone and provider...
12.06.14 04:19
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suche japanisch micro sim karte in berlin
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