Beiträge: 1
Beitrag #1
Yen-Euro wechseln
Guten Tag!
weiss jemand, ob es in Berlin eine bessere Möglichkeit gibt, um Japanischen Yen gegen Euro umzutauschen?
Ich habe von meiner letzten Reise ca. 150000yen übrig und möchte es mit möglichst wenig Verlust wechseln.
Oder will jemand vielleicht nächster Zeit nach Japan fliegen und mit mir einen Tausch machen?
Ich bin sehr dankbar, wenn ihr mir helfen könnt.
Vielen Dank im Vorraus.
Mit besten Grüßen
02.04.15 12:25 |
Beitrag #2
RE: Yen-Euro wechseln
Ich würde es bei EBay-Kleinanzeigen anbieten. Es wird sich in der Regel jemand finden, der gerade nach Japan will.
02.04.15 13:13 |
Beiträge: 2.920
Beitrag #5
RE: Yen-Euro wechseln
Last time I went into town to the Headquarter of my local bank. They bought my Yen for a fair rate. Also there might be a gambio next to the main Station of a large City, probably not so good rate, but you are required to pay their rent.
But indeed, the tendency of Banks to refuse to do what they are there for in the first place - this tendency was clearly observable in Japan already 40 years ago and has Long since spilled over to Germany.
Back than e.g. they annoyed us henna gaijins by mailing to us offers to take out some credit and when one said yes they refused because no gaijins allowed, of course some filial Office would never Exchange Valuta but it also would refuse to honor a cheque drawn at the neighboring filial Office of the same bank.
Then they installed Computers which at that time were quite difficult and time consuming to handle, the Banks didn't want to act as post Offices for Money anymore. Remission fees were prohibitive and interest rates as well, so that I e.g. turned to pay the rent for my apartment for many months in advance. And I turned to visit the real post Office every month to do my regular payments. Many People did so and it was always quite full. The circumstances could almost be described as chaotic. There were hundreds of rubber dishes maybe 15 cm in Diameter. You would grab one for each payment, put the Money in as precisely as you could and the Remission Formular. Then all These Money loaden rubber dishes where towering, a meter high or some more. I was lucky because there never had been an earthquake whilst I was in the post Office.
02.04.15 16:05 |